Signal Flags is an iPhone, iPod touch and iPad compatible app designed as a reference and learning tool to be used for identification, interpretation and use of signal flags as specified by the International Code of Signals, U.S. Navy, NATO, and Allied forces around the world. It contains general reference and detailed usage information for all signal flags, as well as complete documentation sets including the International Code of Signals (NIMA pub. 102) and U.S. Department of Transportation/U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Rules (COMDTINST M16672.2D). A specialized quiz function is also included (for iPhone and iPod touch, upcoming for iPad) to aid in memorization of the entire flag set. The Signal Flags app works in standalone mode; it does need or use any network communication whatsoever.
NOTE: our application icon of the "BZ" hoist connotes our special thanks and a "well done" to the U.S. Navy and its allies for their ongoing role in securing freedom of the seas around the world.

iPhone and iPod touch operation

Signal Flags opens with a scrollable view of all 74 signal flags, as a quick reference. Touching any of the flags in the view accesses detailed information for the individual flag.

The detailed information includes flag name, phonetic pronunciation (if applicable), type information regarding organizational memberships, and usage sections describing how the flag is used in specific contexts. Up and down arrows in the navigation bar (at the top) can be used to move to the next or previous flag in order. The "All Flags" button is used to move back to the scrollable All Flags view.

A "matrix" view is provided for quick, easy access and identification of the flags.

The International Code of Signals document (U.S. Edition), Pub. 102 of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency is provided, in its entirety (157 pages), with the following required disclaimer:
"This reproduction of National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) PUB. 102 is not approved, authorized or endorsed by the Secretary of Defense, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Director, NGA or any other element of the US Government. The US Government and NGA accept no liability for the accuracy or quality of this reproduction or the use of any NGA, NIMA or DMA products, information or data."
The document is viewable in portrait or landscape orientation, and may be zoomed and paged with finger gestures. The last page viewed is maintained in memory between app runs.

The U.S. Department of Transportation/U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Rules for International and Inland use is provided in its entirety (227 pages).
The document is viewable in portrait or landscape orientation, and may be zoomed and paged with finger gestures. The last page viewed is maintained in memory between app runs (while the app is in the background) under IOS 4.1 or newer.

The Quiz function is provided in the form of a "picker" to aid in memorization of the flags. The left hand wheel provides a randomized array of all flags, while the right hand wheel lists the flag names in the same order as the "All Flags" scrollable tab view. To take the quiz, align a flag image with its name under the central index bar, and press the SELECT button. If correct, the flag image is removed from the left hand wheel, and the green "correct" count is incremented. If incorrect, the flag image is left in place, and the red "incorrect" count is updated. The quiz may be reset at any time by pressing the RESET button.

iPad operation

When run on iPad, Signal Flags makes use of the specific architecture to provide full screen view for display of the documents when operated in portrait (taller) orientation, and also takes advantage of "split screen" capabilities of the device when oriented in landscape (wider) position.

If iPad is held in portrait orientation, each of the two documents is viewable at full screen size. As with iPhone operation, the documents can be resized and paged by use of the usual finger gestures. Buttons in the navigation bar (at top of the screen) select which document to view: either International Code, or Navigation Rules.

When held in landscape orientation, a split screen display mode is used to provide iPhone-like display and operation in the left side pane (except for quiz functionality as noted above), while maintaining display of the documents on the right side.

Detail views of the individual flag information are obtained from the scrollable All Flags view (as with iPhone) by tapping on the individual flag image in the left side pane. When displayed, the detail views are navigable as expected, by use of the up/down arrows and All Flags button contained in the left pane navigation bar at the top.

Tab bar buttons at the bottom of the left side pane provide for switching between All Flags and Matrix display choices, and navigation bar buttons at the top of the right side pane provide for switching between the documents.
